Our Commitment to aSafe and 토토 축구y Future

At 토토 축구 Korea, we prioritize the safety, health, and well-being of all our employees.
To reinforce this commitment, we have established a dedicated team to strengthen our 토토 축구 management systems.

We have also established comprehensive 토토 축구 and health policies and plans to ensure
that 토토 축구 remains a top priority for everyone in the company.
Through various initiatives, we are working to embed a strong 토토 축구 culture throughout our organization.

토토 축구 and Health Management Policy

At 토토 축구 Korea, we prioritize safety and health as a core value in our corporate management
to fulfill our commitment to sustainable management and social responsibility.
We operate under the following 토토 축구 and health management policies.

  • 01At 토토 축구 Korea, we prioritize safety and health as core values in our corporate management to fulfill our commitment to sustainable practices and social responsibility. We operate under the following safety and health management policies.
  • 02We proactively eliminateharmful and hazardous factors*, and strive to improve workers' health and working conditions, ensuring workplace 토토 축구 and enhancing their quality of life.

    *Harmful factors :Elements that can accumulate in or expose the human body, causing harm.
    *Hazardous factors :Elements that can cause loss (accidents or fatalities) to people or the environment.

  • 03We contribute to fostering a safety culture among all 토토 축구 Korea employees through effective communication systems with stakeholders.

토토 축구 and Health Dedicated Team

토토 축구 Korea prioritizes creating a safe working environment for its employees.
To achieve this, the company has established an in-house team dedicated to overseeing workplace 토토 축구 and health.
This dedicated team implements rigorous 토토 축구 management practices to prevent on-site accidents.
At the K231 logistics center, the team collaborates with external agencies for monthly professional 토토 축구 inspections
to identify and mitigate potential risks, thereby strengthening overall 토토 축구 management.

토토 축구 and Health Dedicated Team

Workplace 토토 축구 Management System

토토 축구 Korea continuously identifies risks and proactively maintains a comprehensive safety and health management system to prevent accidents.

  • Risk Identification
    Risk Identification
    Risk AssessmentIntroduction of New Equipment and Chemicals / Work Environment / Workplace Incidents
  • Developing Response Plans
    Developing Response Plans
    Review of Action ItemsCompliance with 토토 축구 Regulations / Improvement of Work Environment
  • Implementation and Operation
    Implementation and Operation
    Employee Consultation and Communication
    Workplace Inspection and Verification
    Education and Training
  • Monitoring
    Recording and Review (Biannual)
    Tracking and Management
    Process Revision and Improvement

Promoting Employee 토토 축구

토토 축구 Korea operates various health promotion programs to ensure that employees can work safely and healthily.

Certified 토토 축구y Workplace Excellence

To enhance employee 토토 축구, we cultivate a 토토 축구-friendly workplace culture and environment.
We support employees in actively managing their 토토 축구 through educational and counseling programs.

  • Medical Check-Ups
    Medical Check-Ups
    Annual 토토 축구 Checkups for All Employees (Comprehensive, General, and Special 토토 축구 Examinations)
    Paid Leave for 토토 축구 Checkups
    Planning and Managing Follow-Up Care Based on 토토 축구 Checkup Results
  • Wellness Activities
    Wellness Activities
    Providing an On-Site Fitness Room and Subsidizing Gym Memberships
    In-House 토토 축구care Zone (Body Composition Analysis)
    Smoking Cessation Program
  • Improving the Work 토토 축구
    Improving the Work Environment
    Recharge Room Equipped with Massage Chairs
    Provide all employees with adjustable standing desks
    Indoor Air Quality Improvement
  • EAP (토토 축구 Assistance Program) System
    EAP (Employee Assistance Program) System

    The EAP (Employee Assistance Program), which provides four sessions per employee each year, is designed not only to help manage stress but also to empower employees with the inner strength to view their current issues from a different perspective.
